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279 Results found for big government

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Throughout 2022, President Joe Biden has warned the American people that the GOP “isn’t your father’s Republican Party.”
Throughout 2022, President Joe Biden has warned the American people that the GOP “isn’t your father’s Republican Party.”
I’m not a doctor, so it really isn’t within my purview to say whether or not President Joe Biden has dementia. I do have common sense, however, and can say that Wednesday, September 28, 2022, was one of his most demented days ever.
I’m not a doctor, so it really isn’t within my purview to say whether or not President Joe Biden has dementia. I do have common sense, however, and can say that Wednesday, September 28, 2022, was one of his most demented days ever.
It is, as Ronald Reagan so eloquently put it in the campaign speech he delivered on October 27, 1964 in support of Republican presidential candidate, Barry Goldwater. That memorable speech has been titled
It is, as Ronald Reagan so eloquently put it in the campaign speech he delivered on October 27, 1964 in support of Republican presidential candidate, Barry Goldwater. That memorable speech has been titled
WRAL TechWire yesterday published my column on the surge in billion-dollar corporate welfare giveaways in North Carolina over the past year.
WRAL TechWire yesterday published my column on the surge in billion-dollar corporate welfare giveaways in North Carolina over the past year.
Increasing productivity is the key to wealth creation
Labor Day weekend has come and gone, marking the unofficial end of the summer, but we’d be remiss if we didn’t focus on this past season’s hottest trend: Anti-white racism under the guise of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Labor Day weekend has come and gone, marking the unofficial end of the summer, but we’d be remiss if we didn’t focus on this past season’s hottest trend: Anti-white racism under the guise of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Oh, if only the Lord would provide NC with a man/woman such as this for Governor
Oh, if only the Lord would provide NC with a man/woman such as this for Governor
The new normal is pretty weird, man. Just when you think Biden’s America cannot get any stranger, he trots out an aging folk singer to celebrate the passage of a multi-billion boondoggle climate change chicanery bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act.
The new normal is pretty weird, man. Just when you think Biden’s America cannot get any stranger, he trots out an aging folk singer to celebrate the passage of a multi-billion boondoggle climate change chicanery bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act.
The U.S. House and Senate voted along party lines to pass the latest tax and spend bill, “The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022,” (IRA) sending it to President Biden’s desk. Yesterday, with Biden’s signature, the bill became law.
The U.S. House and Senate voted along party lines to pass the latest tax and spend bill, “The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022,” (IRA) sending it to President Biden’s desk. Yesterday, with Biden’s signature, the bill became law.
Even the staunchest libertarians deserve love. So throw away the pot you only smoke out of principle and take a shower, you son of liberty! You're going to need to put a little effort into a girl if you ever find one.
Even the staunchest libertarians deserve love. So throw away the pot you only smoke out of principle and take a shower, you son of liberty! You're going to need to put a little effort into a girl if you ever find one.
Inflation is more than just an expensive trip to the grocery store or gas pump
Inflation is more than just an expensive trip to the grocery store or gas pump
Dr. Mehmet Oz, a celebrity heart surgeon, joined Fox News host Sean Hannity on Tuesday night to discuss his announcement to enter the U.S. Senate race in Pennsylvania as a Republican.
Dr. Mehmet Oz, a celebrity heart surgeon, joined Fox News host Sean Hannity on Tuesday night to discuss his announcement to enter the U.S. Senate race in Pennsylvania as a Republican.
Instead, Honor Taxpayers and Emphasize Long-Term Sustainability
On Thursday, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in West Virginia v. The Environmental Protection Agency that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not have the constitutional authority to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants
On Thursday, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in West Virginia v. The Environmental Protection Agency that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not have the constitutional authority to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants
58 percent of postsecondary educational institutions now employ a post-tenure review process. This is up from 46 percent in 2000.
58 percent of postsecondary educational institutions now employ a post-tenure review process. This is up from 46 percent in 2000.
Elon Musk tipped his hat to Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday as the candidate that he wants to see become the next President of the United States.
Elon Musk tipped his hat to Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday as the candidate that he wants to see become the next President of the United States.
After the dust settled on the 2022 midterm primaries, one of the noteworthy victories was of Army Special Forces veteran Pat Harrigan in the 14th Congressional District.
After the dust settled on the 2022 midterm primaries, one of the noteworthy victories was of Army Special Forces veteran Pat Harrigan in the 14th Congressional District.
fewer deaths per 100,000 than most of Europe
fewer deaths per 100,000 than most of Europe
Billionaire Elon Musk unloaded on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in a series of tweets on Tuesday after Warren suggested without evidence that Musk does not pay taxes because of a “rigged tax code.”
Billionaire Elon Musk unloaded on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) in a series of tweets on Tuesday after Warren suggested without evidence that Musk does not pay taxes because of a “rigged tax code.”
Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk responded to Joy Reid’s attack on him during her show on Wednesday night by calling her a “lobbyist for Sen Karen,” referencing the new nickname that he recently coined for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).
Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk responded to Joy Reid’s attack on him during her show on Wednesday night by calling her a “lobbyist for Sen Karen,” referencing the new nickname that he recently coined for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).
While Democrats are touting their late entry into Hispanic outreach, it’s clear that Joe Biden and the Democrats can’t seem to figure out why Hispanic voters are running away from them as fast as possible.
While Democrats are touting their late entry into Hispanic outreach, it’s clear that Joe Biden and the Democrats can’t seem to figure out why Hispanic voters are running away from them as fast as possible.
Work gives purpose, creates abundance, instills pride and responsibility, and promotes the economic growth that we see today.
Work gives purpose, creates abundance, instills pride and responsibility, and promotes the economic growth that we see today.
The Gavi Vaccine Alliance is run by the Gates Foundation and they published a paper in 2018 in which it made reference to its Infuse program. This paper should be required reading for every parent of young children.
The Gavi Vaccine Alliance is run by the Gates Foundation and they published a paper in 2018 in which it made reference to its Infuse program. This paper should be required reading for every parent of young children.
At the Beaufort County Commissioners December 6 Beaufort County Commissioners' general meeting, Commissioner Rebholz appeared to lay the groundwork for the bipartisan voting block of Democratic Socialist and Nominal Republicans to initiate a spending spree for capital projects, including a new jail.
At the Beaufort County Commissioners December 6 Beaufort County Commissioners' general meeting, Commissioner Rebholz appeared to lay the groundwork for the bipartisan voting block of Democratic Socialist and Nominal Republicans to initiate a spending spree for capital projects, including a new jail.
One of the most prophetic quotes attributed to George Washington is as follows: “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence — it is force! Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”
One of the most prophetic quotes attributed to George Washington is as follows: “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence — it is force! Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”
Do you know where your food comes from? Aside from saying Harris Teeter, Food Lion, or Wegman’s, it is an important question to many North Carolinians.
Do you know where your food comes from? Aside from saying Harris Teeter, Food Lion, or Wegman’s, it is an important question to many North Carolinians.
The Democrats appear to be in denial about their losses among Hispanic voters. Each day that we get closer to the 2022 midterm election, the Democrats continue to lose support.
The Democrats appear to be in denial about their losses among Hispanic voters. Each day that we get closer to the 2022 midterm election, the Democrats continue to lose support.
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